12 January, 2009
Say Hello to Omnia...
goodbye to iphone! passion of getting one died off and ive gt samsung omnia instead. unplanned, it was "see and get impulse buy". ultimately, it was not bad. all-in-one pda phone. so, whts next? im in love with this guess watch. jus in time for chinese new year. tsk tsk.. so materialistic. well, "money is meant to be spent".
01 January, 2009
Reflections on 2008`
with regards,
New Year 09' at Zouk - "Mambo Rawks"
so screwed! i took a cab down only to hear the countdown begin outside grand copthorne. and i was like okay.. ive not met up with anyone yet at tht moment, so i walked arnd aimlessly, amazed by some transvestite trying to hook up some "business"!! LOL.
but still, Happy New Year Everyone!
great day,
my world 09'
27 December, 2008
celebration @ the BarStop - Joel's 20th
08 December, 2008
Benj's Bubbles
it was morning when bubbles is in his doldrums...
i like bubble's nose! cute lil' thing...
this humongous thing is not a rabbit as its tail suggest. He's called a chinchilla and aged 7 to 8. not like i know how old as the owner himself isnt sure either. but i was told bubbles was just the size of a palm when initially bought and "bubbled" up to his size in the span of almost a decade. hilariously funny, bubbles was named bubbles because of power puff girls'... we'd a long night because of common test and i guess zhihao and i had fun playing with him. great entertainment.
*thnks for yr guidance during ct periods as well as opening yr place for us. even though it was kinda last minute but i still did learn something out of it and not to the extend of getting FBs. cheers. =)
loves, gdnites world.
26 November, 2008
05 November, 2008
11 August, 2008
Michael Phelps - En Route to Gold No.8

07 August, 2008

my study desk is in a disastrous state after ive gotten the first paper over and done with. its like infested with soccer articles, earpiece, sheets of notes, etc.. but i really enjoyed the mess though. it gave a fulfilling sense of achievement, and only thn will one realize the semester is about to end on a sweet note. and i must really say, Internet Computing is relatively easy. ive really regretted not doing better for the pass quizes which will eventually put down my grades. and i'll see yet another A bank onto my result slip. woo~ confidence speak for itself. now 1 down, 3 more to go.
the world.
05 August, 2008

29 July, 2008
NYPal Presents Milk

DJ Ding Zhi Yong was in the photo, but i thought i might as well..

we went for his mini concert at NYP's amphitheatre despite having programming lab test. was pleased by his performance as well as the hip hop dance presented to us by our school's very own Foreign Bodies(FB).
Photographer copyright @ Augustine
gdnite world,